open house 2024

Once a year, dieDAS opens its door to the public, welcoming guests to visit our campus for a day to learn more about our recent projects as well as our larger program and mission. Our summertime Open House is an opportunity for us to share the dieDAS story and to connect and engage with our broader community—with friends both new and old, from near and far.

Welcome words, drinks and cakes, house tours
„Soft Stairway“ installation by Hella Jongerius 
Concert with members of the music branch of the Landesschule Pforta, artistic direction Silvia Heyder 
Exhibition of a student project from the Professorship of Monument Preservation + Architectural History at the Bauhaus University Weimar.

Open House took place June 16th from 2pm - 5pm

Welcome words by Lord Mayor Armin Müller,  Andreas Silbersack, Chairman  Marzona Stiftung and Arne C. Wasmuth , Chairman Marzona Stiftung and dieDas Director

Open House 2024, Egidio Marzona, Patron and Chairman Marzona Stiftung

Concert with Clara Röders und Anastasia Wielsch, Rudolph Floßmann, students of the Landesschule Pforta under the artistic direction of Silvia Heyder

Piano Concert with Clara Röders und Anastasia Wielsch, Students of the Landesschule Pforta

Concert, Rudolph Floßmann, student of the Landesschule Pforta

Installation “Soft Stairway” by Hella Jongerius with Sarah Meyers and Laura Fügmann

Installation “Soft Stairway” by Hella Jongerius with Sarah Meyers and Laura Fügmann

Student project for the Professorship of Monument Preservation and Architectural History
The Bauhaus University of Weimar

Student project for the Professorship of Monument Preservation and Architectural History
The Bauhaus University of Weimar

Rainer Schmitz, Paul Schulze-Naumburg Networks Mediastation

Neue Saalecker Werkstätten Guided Tour

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